Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog. At the moment, I'm studying public health at the Comprehensive Rural Health Project in Jamkhed, India. I'll use this blog to record what I learn about healthcare, India, and myself while I'm here in the rural East. For those of you who are chomping at the bit for details, don't worry, I'll update it daily. Enjoy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The perfect beginning

Like any good writer knows, if you want to write something people will read, write it in a coffeeshop that looks out onto the corner of a busy street in a big city. I may not be a good writer, but I know this, so to begin this blog I am sitting in a starbuck's (it had the only bathroom I've seen for blocks) on the corner of 59th and Broadway (I think) in New York City. That's columbus circle, on the south east corner of Central Park. There are people everywhere here. All kinds of them. Living in Provo for almost two years has almost made me forget that there are people that look different from one another Anyway, I'll write more when I'm in in Mumbai or Jamkhed!


  1. I know exactly where that starbucks is. I read a book there JUST to read a book at a starbucks in New York City. I think it was "The Life of Pi". If you haven't read that, by the way, do it. I'm excited to read about your adventures!

  2. Bryce, it's Mom (posting from Fred and Cora's in Irvine). Wow, this is exactly what I've been craving...a peek into your life in India. Keep up the blogging! We'll be following your adventures. Oh, and I agree about "The Life of Pi." Great read. Love, love, love, Mom

  3. I think it's great you're writting for people to read. I compose my thoughts best when I'm in a busy place, looking on to even more havoc. Coffee shops on busy corners are perfect. Have so much fun and you better wear a sari at some point! :)

  4. fun reading Bryce - if you ever discover how to get mugged while maintaining your dignity, let us know! You're taking pictures, right?
